July 6 Reading in Austin, TX: Nguyen and Smith Readings Jun 29 Written By Hoa Join us for a special hometown reading with former Austinite poets Dale Smith (The Size of Paradise) and Hoa Nguyen (A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure) at Alienated Majesty Books. Hoa Nguyen reads with Dale Smith at Alienated Majesty Books, Saturday, July 6 at 6 PM. hoa nguyenhoa nguyendhuahua nguyenhwanugyenpoetrywave books@wavebookswavewave poetrypoetry readingreadingsdale martin smithdale smith@knifeforkbooksknife fork bookknife fork booksAlienated Majesty Booksaustinaustin poetry readingaustin texasthe size of paradisea thousand times you lose your treasure Hoa
July 6 Reading in Austin, TX: Nguyen and Smith Readings Jun 29 Written By Hoa Join us for a special hometown reading with former Austinite poets Dale Smith (The Size of Paradise) and Hoa Nguyen (A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure) at Alienated Majesty Books. Hoa Nguyen reads with Dale Smith at Alienated Majesty Books, Saturday, July 6 at 6 PM. hoa nguyenhoa nguyendhuahua nguyenhwanugyenpoetrywave books@wavebookswavewave poetrypoetry readingreadingsdale martin smithdale smith@knifeforkbooksknife fork bookknife fork booksAlienated Majesty Booksaustinaustin poetry readingaustin texasthe size of paradisea thousand times you lose your treasure Hoa