Poets Susan Briante, Farid Matuk, Hoa Nguyen & Dale Smith: Reading & Party

It's true: after nearly 15 years, Dale and Hoa are picking up and leaving Austin, TX for Toronto, ON in late July as D has accepted a faculty position at Ryerson University.To mark this occasion, we are having one last reading in the Skanky Possum Austin reading series: a poetry reading and going away party. Please join us and guest poets Susan Briante and Farid Matuk for a fantastic night of poetry.Please invite friends and bring your favorite beverage. Books will be on hand for purchase. Come for the poetry, stay for the company. There will be lots of Prosecco on hand. Inquire for directions.About the Poets:Susan Briante is the author of Pioneers in the Study of Motion (Ahsahta Press 2007) and Utopia Minus (Ahsahta Press 2011). Currently, she is translating the work of Uruguayan writer Marosa di Giorgio, writing about contemporary ruins in American cities, as well continuing a lyric investigation of the stock market. Briante is an assistant professor of literature and creative writing at the University of Texas at Dallas.Farid Matuk is the author of This Isa Nice Neighborhood (Letter Machine Editions, 2010) and the chapbooks Is it the King? (Effing Press, 2006) and Riverside (Longhouse, 2011). New poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in Third Coast, Mandorla, and online at Esque. This Isa Nice Neighborhood was a finalist for the Norma Farber first book prize from the Poetry Society of America and received honorable mention in the Arab American Book Award.Hoa Nguyen was born in the Mekong Delta, raised in the DC area, and studied poetics in San Francisco. She is the author of eight books and chapbooks including Chinaberry (Fact Simile, 2010) and Hecate Lochia (Hot Whiskey, 2009). She curates a reading series, teaches creative writing, and reads tarot for friends. Wave Books will be publishing her third full length collection in Fall 2012.Dale Smith is an assistant professor of English at Ryerson University, Toronto, and has published articles and reviews in, among other publications, the American Book Review, Bookforum, Jacket, Chicago Review, and the Poetry Foundation. He is the author of Poets Beyond the Barricade: Rhetoric, Citizenship, and Dissent after 1960 (University of Alabama Press, 2012), as well as four collections of poems.


final quote in the workshop


Ted Berrigan Sonnets Class Begins