OTHER INFLUENCES at Pratt Institute’s Writers Forum
A reading and roundtable in celebration of OTHER INFLUENCES: An Untold History of Feminist Avant-Garde Poetry (MIT Press, 2024) at Pratt Institute. Hoa Nguyen joins Brenda Coultas, Carla Harryman, Patricia Spears Jones and Julie Patton on Dec. 6 at 6 PM in beautiful Higgins Hall.

OTHER INFLUENCES at Harvard Library
OTHER INFLUENCES: A Feminist Avant-Garde Poetry Reading at the Woodberry Poetry Room featuring poets Carla Harryman, Erica Hunt, Tracie Morris, Hoa Nguyen, Prageeta Sharma and Anne Tardos to perform from and honour their radical, visionary lineages and the forthcoming publication of OTHER INFLUENCES: An Untold History of Feminist Avant-Garde Poetry (MIT Press, 2024).