Bray brassily: PoemTalk #187 and a Reading by Hoa Nguyen
Listen to a discussion of Mina Loy’s “Love Songs” with Hoa Nguyen, Maya Pindyck & Laynie Browne—see the program notes, get a link to the recording of the podcast, and view a video recording of Hoa’s poetry reading given at the Kelly Writers House the same day.

CAConrad and Hoa Nguyen on Crystals, Crows, and Cannibalizing Poems
Listen to Hoa Nguyen interview CAConrad, a Ruth Lilly Prize winner published in the April issue of Poetry magazine.

Poem on PoemTalk Live
Special taping at Kelly Writers House. PoemTalk, a monthly podcast that features poets talking about poems from the PennSound archive, will convene live featuring Kate Colby, Jonathan Dick, and Bethany Swann in conversation on a poem drawn from Red Juice: Poems 1998 - 2008.

On writing A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure: an interview with Hoa Nguyen
An in-depth interview with Hoa Nguyen by poet Paul E Nelson on Cascadia Poetics Lab. Listen or view the video, full transcript available.

“Ghost Diplomat”
Hoa Nguyen on photographs, her mother's past with the motorcycle circus, and the quiet ways to talk to ghosts. A conversation with Helena de Groot on the Poetry Foundation.